Our Club Program is designed for both Boys and Girls at all skill levels from ages 10-18. Each club session is 6 weeks long with 2 coached practices for 2 hours each week. Fridays are used as makeup days for Holidays and any cancellations, weather or otherwise. One tournament entry is included with club membership. They are all separate and optional. You can choose your own partner for those and play in as many as you would like.
Beach volleyball has excellent carry over into the indoor game. Playing doubles in the sand increases a players physical conditioning, teaches players to read the play, forces high levels of communication on the court, and requires a player to develop all of the fundamental volleyball skills. These skills all carry over to the indoor game, making sand doubles one of the best training methods for the indoor player.
To get GOLD pricing you must sign up for BOTH Session 1 and Session 2 individually. The discount should reflect at Session 2 checkout.
Acton, MA I Mon & Weds I 6:00 - 8:00pm
Jones Field
54 Martin Street, Acton MA 01720
Acton, MA I Tues & Thurs I 6:00 - 8:00pm
Jones Field
54 Martin Street, Acton MA 01720
Charlton, MA I Mon & Wed I 4:30 - 6:30pm
Beagle Club - 14 Sand Court Facility!
103 Bond Rd, Charlton, MA 01507
Lakeville, MA I Tues & Weds I 6:00 - 8:00pm
Ted Williams Camp
28 Precinct St, Lakeville, MA 02347
Shrewsbury, MA I Mon & Weds I 4:30 - 6:30pm
Ski Ward
1000 Main St, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Shrewsbury, MA I Tues & Thurs I 4:30 - 6:30pm
Ski Ward
1000 Main St, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Boys & Girls, Ages 10-18
May 12th - June 20th
No Volleyball on Memorial Day. *makeup that friday
June 23rd - Aug 1st
To get GOLD pricing you must sign up for BOTH Session 1 and Session 2 individually. The discount should reflect at Session 2 checkout.
Complete information packet about all of the NEBV Club Details
Please note that tournament entry fees are not included with club membership. All tournaments are a separate expense.
Due to popular demand we have stopped including a volleyball with our club memberships. This way you only pay for a new ball if you want one.
Silver package: Sign up for either Session 1 or Session 2
Gold Package: Complete the Sign up for session 1 and then receive a 40% discount on session 2. Gold Package only available until first day of practice on session 1.
Parents, you just need the free membership unless you also play 2s tournaments. Athletes need the bronze membership if they are only doing club and not playing tournaments. Anyone that wants to play in the tournaments needs silver membership.
No refunds allowed for club memberships for any reason.
NEBV will only process refunds for events that we have to cancel.
We will be following all AVP and state recommended safety protocols at all of our programs and events.